JECS Trust

Guidelines for applications

We ask you to read carefully this page before submitting an application to the JECS Trust!

Main Guidelines for applications :

1. For General activities projects: Publications are expected in the Journal of the European Ceramic Society or in Open Ceramics as appropriate.
For Mobility projects: publications are expected to be submitted first in Open Ceramics

2. Applicants must have been either members of a ceramic society affiliated to ECerS or direct members of ECerS for at least 12 months, if the applicant is a student or young researcher, he/she has to be member but the 12 months rule is not an obligation. The Supervisor of the applicant – if applicable - must have been either member of a ceramic society affiliated to ECerS or individual member of ECerS for at least 12 months

3. The Trust does not accept proposals from individuals seeking support for attending conferences;

4. The use of the JECS Trust money must be clearly identified in the application;

5. The JECS Trust money cannot be used to cover registration fees and/or meals, dinners, drinks, etc.

6. when fund is requested for more than one return travel, the reason of those multiple visits has to be described in the application

7. When travel expenses are allowed to Students/young researchers participating to an event sponsored by the JECS Trust, the amounts agreed by the JECS Trust are as follow:

  • 500 € maximum for travel and accommodation for international participants
  • 150 € maximum for travel and accommodation for local participants

8. JECS Trust can provide promotional items on demand - so no fund will be allowed for the following items:

  • USB sticks
  • Pens
  • Notepads
  • Lanyards and badges

9. For conferences, workshops, etc., one representative of the JECS Trust board could attend the event for free to promote the JECS Trust and to check that the JECS Trust is well advertised (folders, logo on documents, etc.).

10. Any contest support by the JECS Trust must be called “JECS Trust contest” and the prizes received “JECS Trust prizes”.

11. The arrangements for any publication arising from the activity must be approved in advance by the Journal of the European Ceramic Society or Open Ceramics, which have the first option to publish such papers;

12. Applicants wishing to receive financial support from the JECS Trust should submit their bids electronically to the JECS Trust secretariat;

13. Decisions on awards are taken by the Board of the JECS Trust;

14. Applicants must either be a member of a non-profit organisation (i.e. university, lab, etc.), an individual (i.e. not a commercial company) or the ECerS PEC.


The Board of the Trust does not wish to be unduly prescriptive and applications of any kind which fall within the rules are welcome. However, the following list of factors which are viewed favourably in ranking the proposals may be useful :

  • activities involving a collaboration between one European Ceramic Society member and another ECerS member or associate member country;
  • activities involving student/early stage researchers;
  • applications for an identifiable activity that can be specifically associated with JECS Trust funding
  • the use of JECS Trust funding for an identifiable benefit that would not otherwise be possible;
  • activities leading to high quality contributions to the Journal of the European Ceramic Society or to Open Ceramics;
  • applications from regular contributors to the Journals;
  • significant contributions from other sources, where it is appropriate to the activity.


Once the application is accepted, please be aware of the following facts :

  • You will only receive 50 % of the allowed amount before the beginning of the project - the other 50 % are only transferred once the reports (financial and scientific) are approved, after the end of the project.
  • JECS Trust should be acknowledged in any papers published linked to projects sponsored by the JECS Trust.
  • If you ask for sponsor for a conference:

- Free registration must be provided for one ECerS/JECS Trust representatives

- The list of participants (with their email addresses) should be given to ECerS secreteriat

- Special prizes should be applied for ECerS members

- If a competition is organised with the support of the JECS Trust, the Award must be called "JECS Trust Award"


Applicants wishing to receive financial support from the JECS Trust should submit their bids electronically to the JECS Trust secretariat  with copy to

Decisions on awards are taken by the Board of the JECS Trust.


Tips to Follow: 
Check the recording of the 11th YCN Webinar dedicated to the JECS Trust calls for funding and presented by Jon Binner, past-Chair of the JECS Trust "How to get JECS Trust funding for your ceramics research in Europe" to know how to apply to get JECS Trust funding. Follow this link to watch it on youtube or download the PDF presentation here!

Last news

Oct 3, 2024
New form for Mobility projects!

Please use the new form to submit your application for Mobility starting on the  next call with deadline on 30th November 2024!

Sep 1, 2024
Next Deadline to apply to the JECS Trust is 30th November 2024!

Please note that the decisions of the JECS Trust board will not be known before end of February 2025. Activities submitted for the deadline of 30th November 2024 for support from the JECS Trust should then not begin before mid-March 2025.


Contact us for any information : - We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.


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Our actions

The JECS Trust sponsors the study of ceramics through the following actions :

ECerS office

Av. Gouverneur Cornez , 4

7000 Mons


Useful links