JECS Trust
Funding on mobility is meanly for visits by individual researchers to other laboratories within Europe for the purposes of learning new techniques or accessing equipment not available in their own laboratories.
the JECS Trust board generally allows a per diem of 50 € to the applicant, the reimbursement of the travel expenses and 500 € per month to the host institute.
Please note that the per diem of 50 € is for up to 3 months maximum.
Example of previously supported activities :
- 2.300 € for a Belgian student to stay in a French laboratory for 1 month
- 1.200 € for a Spanish student to stay in a Swedish laboratory for 3 months
- 6.300 € for a French student to stay in a Portuguese laboratory for 3 months
- 6.500 € for a Hungarian student to stay in a German laboratory for 3 months
- 1.250 € for a Spanish student to stay in an English laboratory for 15 days
Debriefing from René Miguel Guillén Pineda, Materials Technological Institute (ITM-UPV) - Valencia, Spain:
My personal and professional experience has been enriched by the JECS Trust mobility project, which allowed me to seek and create opportunities in different research institutions, generating synergy in the field of study across Europe. The main driver for me to select the CEITEC was their renamed experience and professionals on the area of research I was pursuing. Once defined that, I established a research program with clear objectives and metrics of what I wanted to achieve. CEITEC not only opened its doors to carry out this project, but it also allowed me to create a new network of colleagues and friends with whom we are preparing new collaboration initiatives for future research projects. Read More.
Latest news
Next Deadline to apply to the JECS Trust is 28th February 2025
Please note that the decisions of the JECS Trust board will not be known before end of April 2025. Activities submitted for the deadline of 28th February 2025 for support from the JECS Trust should then not begin before May 2025.
Interview by Elsevier of Maria Canillas, guest editor for 2 special issues in Open Ceramics!
Maria was guest editor for the 2022 Special Issue "Young Ceramicists in the Spotlight" and the 2023 Special Issue on "Next frontier bioceramics: improvements from collaborative and multi-disciplinary approaches"
Contact us for any information : - We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.